Digital Credentials

Learn it and earn the badge

We believe all learning should be recognised and displayed as a measure of an individuals success and performance capability.  Many of the MCBI learning workshops options have been created to align to one of three skill levels and proficiency : Associate, Professional or Specialist skills. This tells the world where your new skills are what you can bring to the environment.


These core skill workshops have corresponding digital certificates that are issued to students on the successful completion of their session.

Share your expertise online

Once you have earned a badge you can share your accomplishment with the world. Let colleagues, employers and clients see the investment you have taken in your skills and performance. Showcase to the world your proficiency via social platforms.

The increasing number of global employers who are making the move to skills-based hiring are looking for clear evidence of in-demand skills and the capabilities of would-be employees.  Being able to identify and surface verified skills, achievements, and recognition will make putting the right people into the right jobs easy.

‘I love the fact I can showcase my skills, both big and small, to a wider audience. Has helped with my job prospects and helps me stand out against a tough marketplace!’




Want to improve the engagement of your staff?

Talk to us about credentialing your bespoke programs

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